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Fig. 3 | Acta Epileptologica

Fig. 3

From: Impact of prenatal, neonatal, and postnatal factors on epilepsy risk in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Fig. 3

Forest plot of the associations of pregnancy metrorrhagia, infection, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and hypertension, maternal age, and cord prolapse with the epilepsy risk. a Forest plot of the association between pregnancy metrorrhagia and the risk of epilepsy. b Forest plot of the relationship between maternal infection and the risk of epilepsy in children or adolescents. c Forest plot of association between gestational diabetes and the epilepsy risk. d Forest plot of the association between gestational hypertension and the epilepsy risk. e Forest plot of the association between gestational hypertension and the epilepsy risk after sensitivity analysis. f Forest plot of the association between preeclampsia and the epilepsy risk. g Forest plot of the association between maternal age and the epilepsy risk. h Forest plot of the association between maternal age and the epilepsy risk after sensitivity analysis. i Forest plot of the association between cord prolapse and the epilepsy risk

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