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Table 1 The function of ion channel and receptor in normal and epileptic tissue [7]

From: Biomolecular mechanisms of epileptic seizures and epilepsy: a review

Ion channels or receptor

Normal brain

Epileptic brain

Voltage-gated Na+ channles

Subthreshold EPSP, upstroke of the action potential

Repetitive action potential firing

Voltage-gated K+ channles

Action potential downstroke

Action potential repolarization

Voltage-gated Ca+ channles

Released transmitter, transports a depolarizing charge from the dendrite to the soma

A pathogenic intracellular process is activated by excessive transmitter release

Ca2+-dependent K+ channels

After hyperpolarization following action potential, sets refractory period

Limit repetitive firing

Non-NMDA receptor


Initiates paroxysmal depolarization shift

NMDA receptor

Prolong, slow EPSP

Maintain paroxysmal depolarization shift, Ca2+ activates pathologic process

GABA receptor


Limit excitation

Na+ - K+ pump

Restore ionic equilibrium

Prevent K+ - induced depolarization

  1. EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential, IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potentials