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Table 2 The application of special MRI sequences

From: Consensus on pediatric epilepsy surgery for young children: an investigation by the China Association Against Epilepsy task force on epilepsy surgery

Special MRI sequences

Recommended application scope and purpose

Contrast enhanced MRI

Sturge–Weber syndrome, brain tumors, and vascular malformation; to determine the pathological diagnosis and extension of lesions.

Diffusion tensor imaging

Unilateral lesions involving motor cortex or the whole hemisphere; to evaluate the distribution of the corticospinal tract and motor function compensability.


During the sequelae stage of encephalitis, reviewing the DWI sequence in the acute stage of encephalitis is helpful for evaluating the extent of injury and potential epileptogenic zone in children.

Magnetic sensitivity-weighted imaging

Cavernous hemangioma and Sturge–Weber syndrome; to display tiny intracerebral hemorrhage.

  1. MRI Magnetic resonance imaging, DWI Diffusion-weighted imaging